Massage with lasting results.
Therapeutic or clinical massage looks at the body as a whole, bridging the gap between relaxation massage and pain-relieving bodywork. While we want you to be able to relax, because it's great for your nervous system, we focus on improving pain.
Our therapists search out the root cause of pain instead of simply targeting areas of discomfort. Your back pain, for example, may be caused by the way your desk is set up or the kind of shoes you wear.
On the day of your appointment, we’ll take a deeper look into your pain and give you our best recommendations. Then we’ll perform massage using a wide range of techniques such as muscle activation, myofascial release, and joint mobilization to help you find instant relief
We believe the phrase “no pain, no gain” can be extremely harmful to the body. We’re proud to use gentle, deep-tissue massage techniques so you can experience the least amount of discomfort in your session as possible.

Find Relaxation and Relief
We offer a variety of session lengths to fit your lifestyle and charge by the hour, based on the experience of our therapists. Massages are completely custom to each client, each appointment.
We are proud to create a safe, no-judgment zone for our clients. Sexual assault survivors, PSTD sufferers, and members of the LGBTQ+ community are welcome here! We ask for your pronouns.
If your pronouns and/or name change, simply let us know and we will update your file so you can be your most authentic self.
Please note: We do not accept walk-in appointments. For the safety and privacy of our customers, we ask that you do not enter our studio until the time of your appointment.
Not Sure Which Session You Need?
Our expects make it easy!
All New Client Services start with an in-depth conversation to learn about you and your body. This is when we will do assessments.
Assessments give us the path for your session. Then it’s the easy part! You get to relax during the first customized session. After your massage, your therapist will discuss what your body is telling us and go over the next steps to get you back to an active pain-free lifestyle.
As part of your post-massage discussion, your therapist will recommend how long follow-up sessions should be and how frequent.
Typically, a second session within two weeks is recommended because it builds on progress so you can get back to your life.
Full menu available on Scheduling Page.